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Israel and Ukraine soon to explode

These two videos fit together, but if you must watch / listen to just one, then it should be Scott Ritter. How many of you remember what you did on Saturday?? You didn’t know how close it came to being the last day you ever saw! The same goes for everyone you’ve known, loved, hated or hadn’t met. If you listen to Scott you’ll know some humans almost couldn’t wait for a climate catastrophe to finish us off. Yes, we were closer than the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis to a nuclear war!!! That should make you dam scared, and angry at two men whose names begin with “B”, reason being they were ready to sign allowing long range missiles to strike deep into Russia with US targeting guidance. Putin informed Biden and company he would then consider the US and NATO AT WAR WITH RUSSIA. Putin let Biden know in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS Russia’s nuclear policy would then automatically strike the US and NATO countries. Don’t go by what I say, listen to Scott Ritter, former Marine and US / UN weapons inspector. Note: Yes, Russia is a party to this all, it is a war that didn’t have to be, and the peace agreement in April of 2022 was sabotaged by Boris Johnson, unknown if Biden favored this too.

There is no missile defense against Russia and China’s hypersonic missiles. The US is a generation behind its peer competitors, as it’s been busy blowing up third rate countries for twenty some years, and it has abandoned diplomacy thinking it doesn’t have to accommodate any other countries. It’s a new world, will life live to see it?

Don’t you think it’s time to start paying attention to what is done in your name? AND. Less you think the hook has been removed if “KH” were to be voted into office come November guess again when you see the war criminals and war mongers that are backing her (more “forever wars”), and likely to become part of her administration. Read from the below link. Voters are given no good choice, how can we call that a democracy??

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